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As a Voluntary Controlled school, the Local Authority is the Admission Authority and therefore the LA’s admission arrangements apply to St Andrew’s Junior School.

You can find out more regarding admission arrangements here:


Starting Year 3 September 

Please apply for a place online. More information can be found on the New Starters page

of the website including information for parents/carers as well as things to share with your child.


Somerset Admission Arrangements



Primary admissions guide (  


Moving schools mid year

Welcome to St Andrews, please contact the school office to find out if we have any places and we can answer any questions you may have.


New Parents

For more information about our school please look through the school website where you will find the annual list of dates, hot school meals information as well as details of the school uniform. You might also like to look at the daily whole school twitter feed (@StAndrewsjunio1) which

reminds parents of key events and celebrate the children's learning - you might like to follow us.



Where an application has been refused in any year group the child will be placed on a waiting list. This will be kept strictly in order of oversubscription criteria by the Local Authority (as the Admission Authority) and the child will remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic

year in which the application was refused.

Parents are responsible for informing the Admission Authority of any changes in their circumstances, which could affect their place on the waiting list. If you have any questions please contact us on 01278 783558

The in-year application form can be found below.


Our planned admission number is 82.



If your child is due to start or transfer school for September 2021, it is now time to make your application.


The deadline for primary phase applications is 15th January.

The deadline for secondary phase applications is 31st October.

Please apply online by visiting
