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Emotion Coaching:


If you want to know how to support your child to understand and regulate their emotions, please click on the link below to access a padlet that contains advice about emotion coaching:

We All Have Mental Health

Download the accompanying teacher toolkit from It's free! We All Have Mental Health is an animation designed to give young people aged 11-14 a common language and understanding of what we mean by mental health and how we can look after it.

The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety

Feeling anxious? Grounding exercises can help to calm anxious thoughts and keep you focused and mindful in your environment. The 5-4-3-2-1 method is a grounding exercise that can be done almost anywhere and it doesn't require any equipment or materials- just your brain!

Brain Basics: Anxiety for Kids - with Lee Constable

Have you ever wondered why people feel anxious? Our science expert Lee Constable is here to tell us all about how anxiety and stress work in your brain! Lee teaches us some tips and coping strategies that can help calm your 'survival brain' and 'emotional brain', get your 'smart brain' back online so you can manage anxiety.

Thought Bubbles! For Anxiety & Worry.

Blow your thoughts away today! Ever feel that your mind is too busy? Do the 'Thought Bubbles' video to blow them away. This calming brain break is suitable for children aged 5-11.

How To Tame My Anxiety Monster

A story to help kids cope with anxious feelings.

Wellbeing For Children: Confidence And Self-Esteem

Confidence is a concept that you might struggle with-so how can you improve it? This Miniclip follows Pablo as he navigates his confidence and self-esteem in a range of contexts. By following five simple tips, you'll see how setting goals, celebrating differences, persevering, and being constructive (instead of destructive!)

Anger Management for Kids!

Today, we will be learning all about anger! In this video, you'll learn the definition of anger, how it affects you, and FOUR positive ways of coping!
