St Andrew's Junior School has a strong Christian ethos, and places daily collective worship at the centre of each day.
Daily whole school collective worship at is 1.35 p.m -2.00 p.m and is planned around Christian Value themes and the Christian calendar.
Collective worship is led on a daily basis by the Head teacher, deputy head teacher, assistant head teacher, Reverend Graham Witts and other local church leaders (Baptist and Methodist) as well as other teachers. Pupils take responsibility for leading worship: House captains are on a rota to set up the altar table, the cross, music, candle and chairs for each assembly and often act out stories etc. 'Collective Worship Leaders' plan and lead their own whole school worship.
We use a range of creative inspirational starters to introduce a theme: Plays, drama, paintings, posters, films, traditional & modernised bible stories, and ‘call and response’ stories. They are designed to hook the children in as they relate to a range of learning styles and interests. There is always an opportunity for spiritual/moral reflection and we challenge the children to take this learning into their daily lives Prayer is central, and is led by both children and adults. We sing both traditional and modern hymns and songs, with the children particularly enjoying 'Fischy Music' songs which have catchy tunes and actions.
To find out more about Collective Worship at St Andrew's, please see the links below.