St Andrew's church
St Andrew's Junior School owes its name to the local parish church, which is dedicated to Saint Andrew and has occupied its pleasant site near to the sea front since the early 14th century. The church has therefore enjoyed a considerably longer history than the school! (
The full name of the school is "St Andrew's Church of England Junior School". This indicates that we are a Voluntary controlled school and so we have a governing body with a different balance from non church schools.
From the beginning of its 150-year history, the school worked closely with the church, and there are very many archive references to the vicar, who, in local importance, was clearly senior to the headmaster!
It was in 1906, after half a century of existence as the Burnham National School, that the first reference appears to the possibility of a closer relationship. The School Managers had approved the change of the school's name to "St Andrew's School". Fully fifty years later, with a neat symmetry, the school completed its centenary, and the name change was finally implemented.
Since that date the church and the school have continued that close relationship. Successive vicars have served on the school's governing body, frequently as chair, and had a full and lively involvement in the life of the school.
The current vicar of Burnham, Rev Graham Witts pays frequent and welcome visits to the school. He leads worship and frequently visits the children in their classes. The children look forward to these visits from "Father Graham".
In addition, we visit our church at several points during the year. These include Harvest, St Andrew's Day, Christmas and Easter, and there are other occasions also when children visit to learn more about their local parish church.