Home Page

Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 page

Make sure you check our year group page regularly for the latest pictures of your children engaging within different curriculum activities and key information related to Year 3 e.g. trips, things to bring in for lessons etc.


Enjoy looking through our Year 3 group page!


Mr Neate -

Mrs Pitman -

Mrs Denyer/Mrs Gawen -

This week's timetable

Y3 Reading Challenge

Parents Information Evening Presentation

PE Information

Wren - Monday and Thursday.

Acorn - Monday and Friday.

Dandelion - Monday and Friday.


Children are to come into to school in their PE kits on their PE days. They may require a plain dark sweatshirt/hoodie or their St Andrew's PE hoodie and some sport tracksuit bottoms or leggings that are plain or as close to plain as you can get, to keep them warm during the day. Please no slogan jumpers or leggings, as an element of still being smart, although they are in PE kit, in school. No wearing tights with PE kits (unless running tights). No jewellery. They will be outside as much as possible so please ensure they also come into school with a waterproof coat. Thank you. 

Google Classroom Support

Glossary for the programmes of study for English
